Northumbria University

Dataset: The Influence of Intellectual Disability on Exercise Regulation: Exploring Verbal, Auditory and Visual Guidance to Contribute to Promote Inclusive Exercise Environments

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posted on 2023-11-22, 11:53 authored by Florentina Hettinga, Kandianos SakalidisKandianos Sakalidis, Stein Menting
  • All participants provided both verbal and written consent before engaging in the research activities. Participants attended the laboratory and completed 7-minute sub-maximal cycling trials. The aim of these cycling trials was to sustain a predetermined, sub-maximal velocity for the duration of seven minutes. All trials took place on the Velotron cycle ergometer using the Velotron 3D software. Participants without an Intellectual Disability were involved in a single condition, alone without another pacer. On the other hand, participants with an Intellectual Disability were randomly assigned to two different conditions: alone and with a real-life-sized pacer presented as a virtual avatar. In the condition without a pacer (alone) but with auditory feedback, participants were provided with auditory signals through audio speakers. In the condition with a pacer, a second virtual avatar cycled alongside the participant with a predetermined velocity. In all trials, researchers provided standardised, speed-related feedback during the first five minutes. During the last two minutes of the trial, no feedback was given.
