Northumbria University

Method and charts for the calculation of a Roman lead pipeline discharge

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posted on 2022-12-19, 14:51 authored by Maria C. Monteleone, Martin CrapperMartin Crapper, Davide Motta

The excel workbook contains the data obtained from the application of Colebrook-White equation to ancient Roman lead pipes in the range digitus to denaria. The 'Tables' worksheet calculates the values of friction factor, Reynolds number and flowrate corresponding to values of average velocity up to 3m/s and for values of the absolute roughness in the range 0.1 to 0.5 mm.

The 'Charts' worksheet contains the charts derived from the tabled data.

The 'Method' worksheet describes an iterative graphical method, based on the charts,  to obtain the discharge of a lead pipeline connecting two points, starting from a range for the maximum hydraulic slope.


The graphical method, compared with the numerical solution method, allows to easily take into account the uncertainties present in the topographical and archaeological data, providing a simplified sensitivity analysis.
