Online Expert Survey Data
These are the results of the online expert survey conducted to assess the relative importance of our neighbourhood quality indicators. This survey was part of the data collection of the research project, titled "Towards resilient and liveable neighbourhoods post Covid-19: evaluating neighbourhood quality in Sydney (AUS) and Newcastle upon Tyne (UK)", funded by Urban Studies Foundation (USF) Pandemics and Cities Programme ((# G215014). The study aimed to propose an objective, comprehensive assessment tool that can be used to assess NQ and tested its feasibility through a pilot study in multiple neighbourhoods in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK and Sydney, Australia.
The online survey was distributed globally to experts in urban design and planning through the project team’s networks to objectively assess the relative importance of developed environmental indicators and measures for defining neighbourhood quality in a post-pandemic context. A hybrid TOPSIS-EM approach was applied to the survey data to determine criteria weights for ranking the case study neighbourhoods in both cities.