Northumbria University

Accelerated Aged Parchment FTIR: SO2 gas: 50ppm x2-16 weeks & heat: 100°C x2-16 days

posted on 2023-08-01, 14:08 authored by Charis TheodorakopoulosCharis Theodorakopoulos

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Parchments were generated from calf animal skin and produced in Z.H. De Groot, The Netherlands. This series was exposed to 50 ppm SO2 at stable 25°C, 50% RH for 2-16 weeks at the Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des Documents Graphics, Paris (France), and exposed to 100°C up to 16 days .

The parchments were measured both on flesh and grain sides. Flesh side often included increased calcite peaks which interfered with amide II. Therefore grain side was considered reliable for damage assessment.

All data are shown as image files of the whole wavelength range and in the fingerprint region ("f" symbol next to sample code).

This dataset is part of:

Theodorakopoulos, Charis (2023). Infrared spectra database - Depository of FTIR spectra of IDAP parchments. Northumbria University. Collection.


Improved damage assessments of parchments

European Commission

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