Northumbria University

ORW: Open Research and Reproducibility Conference Poster Competition

Version 2 2024-02-12, 11:07
Version 1 2023-05-18, 11:04
posted on 2024-02-12, 11:07 authored by Northumbria Research DataNorthumbria Research Data, Lauren HoultLauren Hoult, Michael SmithMichael Smith, Mark WetherellMark Wetherell, Trudi EdgintonTrudi Edginton, ONENGIYE OGBANGAONENGIYE OGBANGA, Andrew NelsonAndrew Nelson, Darren SmithDarren Smith, Noemi Procopio, VALENTINA PERRONEVALENTINA PERRONE, Patrick Randolph-QuinneyPatrick Randolph-Quinney, David SmailesDavid Smailes, DEBORAH WADEDEBORAH WADE, DIMITRIOS MEGARITISDIMITRIOS MEGARITIS, J. Buekers, T. Bonci, E. Hume, A. Yarnall, E.M. Amigo, P. Brown, C. Buckley, S. Del Din, C. Echevarria, L. Alcock, C. Mazzà, L. Rochester, J. Garcia Aymerich, Ioannis VogiatzisIoannis Vogiatzis, FIONA CROUCHFIONA CROUCH, Helen MerlaneHelen Merlane, Heshachanaa Rajanayagam, Jen MooreJen Moore, Joanna HumeJoanna Hume, Julia DasJulia Das, Gill BarryGill Barry, Rodrigo VitorioRodrigo Vitorio, Richard Walker, Claire McDonald, Rosie MorrisRosie Morris, Samuel Stuart, Leah MaughanLeah Maughan, Rachel Branson, Marion HaskinMarion Haskin, Yasmin Colborne, NGOC NGUYENNGOC NGUYEN, Vilma B. Liwan, Thao T. P. Mai, Samantha FriedmanSamantha Friedman, Shannon KilleyShannon Killey, I.J. Rae, Suman ChakrabortySuman Chakraborty, A.W. Smith, S.N. Bentley, M.R. Bakrania, R. Wainwright, C.E.J. Watt, J.K. Sandhu, Bethany NicholBethany Nichol

Entries to the poster competition ran during Northumbria's Open Research and Reproducibility Conference as part of Open Research Week 2023.

Poster entries showcase open research practice in student and academic work.


WINNER Positive expressive writing interventions, subjective health and wellbeing: A systematic review, Lauren Hoult, Dr Michael Smith, Prof Mark Wetherell & Dr Trudi Edginton

WINNER Micro-detectives: Forensic profiling with microbes, Nengi Ogbanga, Andrew Nelson, Darren Smith & Noemi Procopio

WINNER Cementochronology: About the “tree rings” in our teeth, Valentina Perrone, Patrick Randolph-Quinney & Noemi Procopio

Larger, more powerful studies: More work. But big rewards!, David Smailes

Promote (or learn about) open research via a Reproducibilitea Journal Club, David Smailes

To explore how a Breastfeeding Closed Facebook group administered by volunteers with additional breastfeeding training influences women’s experiences, particularly for those women for whom breastfeeding is not their cultural norm, Deborah Wade

Impact of symptoms and disease severity on digital mobility outcomes in COPD, D. Megaritis, J. Buekers, T. Bonci, E. Hume, L. Alcock, A. Yarnall, E. M. Amigo, P. Brown, C. Buckley, S. Del Din, C. Echevarria, C. Mazzà, L. Rochester, J. Garcia Aymerich & I. Vogiatzis

Growing my research village, Fiona Crouch

Dying to Care. A constructivist grounded theory study identifying what factors prepare student nurses to care for dying patients, Helen Merlane

Development of Innovative MODular Building System with Enhanced Fire, Environmental, Structural and Thermal Performance (MOD-FEST), Heshachanaa Rajanayagam

How does garment cut influence the perception of attractiveness in the male somatotype? A comparative study of the focus of attraction on specific areas of the male body and its adaptation to inform garment cut in the UK, Jenni Moore

The more-than-digital scrapmap: Exploring the generative possibilities of qualitative digital data, Joanna Hume

Technological visuo-cognitive training in Parkinson’s disease: Preliminary findings from a pilot randomised controlled trial, Julia Das, Gill Barry, Rodrigo Vitorio, Richard Walker, Claire McDonald, Rosie Morris & Samuel Stuart

Library support for open research: How the University Library can support you to make your work more open…, Leah Maughan & Rachel Branson

A Phenomenological study into the experience of training to perform Intermittent Self Catheterisation (ISC) from the perspective of the Patient and the Nurse, Marion Haskin

Be thankful to be joyful: Gratitude writing for wellbeing, Michael A. Smith & Yasmin Colborne

Improving cultural understanding and 21st century skills with COIL, Ngoc D. Nguyen, Vilma B. Liwan & Thao T. P. Mai

‘It helps make the fuzzy go away’: Autistic adults’ reflections upon nature and wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic and across the life course, Dr Samantha Friedman

Diagnosing relativistic electron distributions in the Van Allen radiation belts, S. Killey, I.J. Rae, S. Chakraborty, A.W. Smith, S.N. Bentley, M. R. Bakrania, R. Wainwright, C.E.J. Watt, & J. K. Sandhu

A Fully Open Systematic Umbrella Review Exploring the effects of volunteering on the social, mental, and physical health and wellbeing of volunteers, Beth Nichol


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