Northumbria University

Design for Health Ageing: 2-hour Masterclass Curriculum.

posted on 2024-12-23, 09:03 authored by Matthew LievesleyMatthew Lievesley

Innovate UK's KTN-Healthy Ageing had invited me to present to a cohort of 40-SMEs selected for their accelerator programme. [see Designing Products and Services for Healthy Ageing: Design as an iterative process of discovery].

This 45-minute presentation led to a high-number of requests from the businesses for a deeper exploration of design for products and co-design for service-improvement in Health and Care settings. KTN requested a 2-hr Masterclass drawing on my published case-studies.

I developed a theoretical review of design process models in relation to the KTN's own Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). This led into case-study material in a slidedeck. The slidedeck linked to a pre-prepared online whiteboard [MIRO] where a series of tasks were set-up. A summary of these details can be found in the file [KTN_Masterclass_LngPlan] including images of excerpts from the Miro Board.

The full Slidedeck [KTN_Design_HealthyAgeing_Masterclass] as presented is also available here.

The course will be relevant to businesses operating in either B-to-C or B-to-B markets and developing: new products for Health and Care Markets (e.g. development of Medical Devices) and new services, through Co-design for Health and Care delivery.
