Practice based researchers and open research
Practice based researchers and Open Research
12:00-13:00 Friday 25th November 2022
Speakers – Jenny Evans and Scott Mclaughlin
Jenny is Research Environment and Scholarly Communications Lead for Westminster School of Arts. Jenny is the project lead on the AHRC project PR Voices, which aims to make non-text based research more discoverable.
Dr Mclaughlin is Lecturer in Composition and Music Technology at the University of Leeds.
This session is rescheduled from Northumbria Open Research Week 2022.
For too long practice researchers have been struggling with Open Research.
A lack of suitable infrastructure makes it difficult to meaningfully present and preserve contributions to knowledge made through practice.
AHRC is funding two projects to improve access and preservation of the outputs of practice research.
PR voices will create a practice research community of practice, bringing together an intersectional community that spans all stakeholder groups.
SPARKLE (sustaining practice assets for research, knowledge, learning and engagement) is focused on the preservation of practice research assets.