Northumbria University

Growing a University policy engagement function; Towards better models, methods, and measures of success

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posted on 2024-07-04, 13:19 authored by Jonathan Breckon, Jenny HasenfussJenny Hasenfuss, Lucy Jowett

This report identifies current and recent effective practice in policy engagement from a university setting. It is intended to provide a suite of options for academic-policy engagement activities and processes that we hope is useful for any university seeking to grow a university policy engagement function. We hope that it can support universities who are exploring potential models for university policy engagement centres.

It is aimed at any university leader, academic, funder, or professional support officer seeking to set up a new centre or expand an existing one. The focus is predominantly UK – but we learned important insights from interviews with experts in Australia, Canada, the EU, and the US.

We recognise that this report sits within a wider discussion currently underway within higher education and its core purposes across research; teaching and learning; and engagement, and the pressing nature of financial considerations in delivery and planning for universities.


Research England Capabilities in Academic Policy Engagement (CAPE)
