Zine Collection: Elevating underrepresented student voice via the Inclusive Reciprocal Insight Scheme (IRIS)
Our Student Inclusion Consultant (SIC) scheme aims to meaningfully enhance inclusive practice within faculties and services through staff-student partnerships, offering a variety of opportunities for collaboration.
It is delivered in a flexible and evidence-informed manner to address needs and barriers that have been identified either through governance structures or at a local level. Working with a SIC is an opportunity for colleagues to reflect on the inclusivity of their current practice through underrepresented student voice, which is consistent with the objectives of our education strategy.
One of the ways that staff and SICs can bring about positive change is via the Inclusive Reciprocal Insight Scheme (IRIS). This matches senior staff with SICs to provide the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations around any barriers in accessing, progressing or succeeding at University. The focus is on us, as a University, learning from the SICs’ lived experience and for staff to receive challenge from a different perspective.
These zines were created at a mid-point session for those staff and SICs taking part in IRIS. The aim was to further develop the IRIS community of practice by facilitating meaningful and inspiring interactions between matched pairs and the wider group. Zines were chosen as a means of creative enquiry to discuss any common themes that might so far have emerged to be considered alongside other non-traditional research outputs.
Funded via the Access and Participation Plan
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